How many times in life are we going to keep trying to do it on our own power, our own strength, our own thoughts.... we are designed for failure. It is only through our failure that we learn submission, and it is through our realization that we are not 'all-that' and we truly, TRULY... need God in our lives every second, every minute, every hour, every day, every week, every month, just plain ALL THE TIME..... If you don't have God in your life right now, then you're just fooling yourself. It is when you come to the end of your learn who your source is, and HIS NAME IS JESUS.
Stop trying to take on the world, instead take on Jesus, put on the Full Armor of God and when you go to battle the enemy, you now fight FROM Victory and not FOR Victory because the blood on the Cross gave us the Victory already.
If you're tired of being messed up, come get blessed up. Tune in Monday through Friday on 99.5fm The Word at 9:30 pm for Free Inside, a radio program dedicated to the broken, the lost and the incarcerated. Remember what I say, 'You don't have to be locked up to be locked out!'
May the peace of the Lord fill you as you walk in His righteousness,
Rev Bu