Friday, July 24, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
It Was By Faith...
Friday, July 17, 2009
Do You Remember Joshua.....
Joshua prepared to cross the river Jordan, and the Lord instructed him to gather 12 men from the 12 tribes of Israel to cross the river before the ark of the Lord. The waters would be rescinded and the 12 stones would mark a memorial for all of Israel.
Our challenge today is we forget too many things. What memorials do we have...I can’t even remember what I had for lunch most of the time. With computers, Blackberrys, Crackberrys, PDA’s, Treo’s, laptops, cel phones…we ALLOW OURSELVES to forget things. We don’t have to think because we have all of this ‘time saving’ technological gadgets to help us ‘remember’.
So what is my point…my point is God wanted Joshua and the people of Israel to REMEMBER the events that had taken place and to NOT FORGET what had happened. We as the children of God act like children more often than naught, and we should be ashamed of ourselves. We forget, we fail to remember, we become distracted on all of the WONDERFUL things that God has done for us. How many of you have been delivered by the grace of God in a financial struggle? How many of you have been delivered from a sickness or health problem by the grace of God? How many of you have been delivered from a challenging situation by the grace of God? Did you tell your kids about it? Did you tell them how they need to be faithful to the Creator of Heaven an Earth? Did you tell your friends, not your church friends, but your work friends, your soccer mom friends, your little league friends, your AYSO friends…did you tell them how Great our God is? And you sit there and ask yourself why our children do not know God? Remember this if nothing else today, Know God Know Peace, No God No Peace. That is one of my all time favorite bumper stickers……all time.
So what happens during a drought and the river Jordan begins to rescind and dry up; what do the people see? They see the memorial that God had instructed Joshua to build at the river bed...to remind them of God's awesome power. Those stones symbolized that God will never forsake us, even when the outlook is bleak, He will once again do mighty things for His people. We forget how great and awesome our God is too quickly.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
We All Need Somebody....

No matter who you are, now matter where you go, you'll need somebody to stand by you. We were not created to walk this Earth by ourselves, God gave us a companion, he gave us someone that we would have by our side. In our society today, it seems more and more the norm that you have to 'act' to be 'somebody'....it's 'all about me' runs rampant with our teenagers today. Kids today all want to 'grow up' as fast as they can, at the sacrifice of losing the innocence of their youth. Why is it we can't wait to get older, and then when we get older, we spend our time chasing the fountain of youth....makes you think.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Daddy, You're The Greatest

Monday, July 13, 2009
A Fatherless Society

The end result is that millions of children do not a have father living in their home. The absence of a father's love impacts every area of the life of our communities. Fatherless children are 2-5 times more likely to drop out of school. 75% of people in drug abuse centers come from fatherless homes. And the statistics continue to mount daily.
Most gang members do not have a father in the home. 90% of homeless and run away teens come from fatherless homes. 71% of teen pregnancies are of children of single parents. 75% of all teen suicides are to children of single parents. Children of single parent homes are 2-3 times more likely to have emotional and behavioral problems. And 85% of all youth in prisons grew up in a fatherless home.
Statistics do not lie:
Statistics clearly state that the absence of a father's love in a home, dramatically increases the chance for the children to drop out of school, to have emotional and behavioral problems, abuse drugs, run away from home and commit crimes that lead to prison. While it would be ideal if all of the hurting fathers would return to their homes and take their rightful God given place, the reality of this happening is remote, if not impossible.