What sweet music to my ears, when I hear my daughter Isabella say those words.....'daddy, you're the greatest'.... That is all we as men, as fathers need to hear from their children, an acknowledgement of who we are, what we are, and what we stand for.
"Husbands, love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her" Ephesians 5:25
The greatest and most important thing that any father can do for his children is to love their mother. As in the scripture above, Christ gave the ultimate sacrifice for the church, and ultimately for us. How many of us love our wives wholeheartedly that we would do the same...don't answer that, just think about it. This is the same woman that honored you with giving her life to you, for better or for worse; the same woman that has put up with all of your antics over the years; the same woman that has birthed your children and raised them with you; the same woman that has believed in you from day one; the same woman that would go without, so that your children may have; the same woman that manages the household 365 days a year, a tireless and thankless task; the same woman that still looks at you with eyes filled with love and happiness...the same woman that made a vow to be your wife.
Men, when did we get so arrogant, when did we forget all of the shared struggles and battles we had, when did we begin to think it was all about 'me', and not about HIM? Men, when did we begin to take our wives for granted and forget to wake up with a joyful heart and to go to sleep with a grateful heart because the Lord blessed us with an angel? Men, when did we think that we became 'PLAYERS' and forgot about our Daily 'PRAYERS'?
Funny, as I get older, it seems that the Lord has not gotten weary of constantly repeating himself to me, and has not given up on banging my head with his ever so Holy 2' x 4'. As men we are such creatures of habit, and yet even when we know that what we are doing is not the best choice....we continue to do it. Why is that? I implore all men who are married.....do the right thing....Love on your wife, so that your children may see you as 'the greatest daddy. One day every man will answer to God for his actions, all of his actions, and that frightens me. True, we cannot make up for the past, but we can ask for forgiveness and make the future better, with God, by God and for God. I will continue to pray for all of the husbands and fathers out there, that by God's grace, you can come into alignment for your assignment, and that God will have favor over you.
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